GAC released a number of intelligent and connected new energy black technologies on GAC Tech Day 2021

2021-04-10 13:59:33




On April 9, the GAC Tech Day 2021, with the theme of “Leads a Sustainable and Intelligent Future”, was held at GAC R&D Center. GAC Group released the Neutron Star Strategy about power battery technology centering on electrification

On April 9, the GAC Tech Day 2021, with the theme of “Leads a Sustainable and Intelligent Future”, was held at GAC R&D Center. GAC Group released the Neutron Star Strategy about power battery technology centering on electrification, the sponge silicon anode battery technology to effectively alleviate range anxiety in electric vehicles, the super-fast rechargeable battery technology to greatly reduce the charging time of electric vehicles, and the ADiGO 4.0 intelligent driving connected ecosystem which represents GAC’s latest achievements in intelligence and connectivity. Zeng Qinghong, Chairman of GAC Group, Feng Xingya, President of GAC Group, reporters from more than 100 domestic and foreign media and many netizens who followed through live broadcasting platforms, jointly participated in the GAC Tech Day, and imagined the bright future of mobile life driven by GAC’s technologies.

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