GAC Motor Entered Russia, and GS8 Went on Sale in Moscow

2019-12-11 17:09:34




At that night, GAC Motor held the brand conference and GS8 launch press conference there in Russia, declaring its official entry into the Russian market.

On the evening of December 9, the State Historial Museum at Moscow, one of the spiritual landmarks of Russia, was quite bustling. At that night, GAC Motor held the brand conference and GS8 launch press conference there in Russia, declaring its official entry into the Russian market. The State Historical Museum, with more than 1 million precious artistic products collected, saw Russian people’s persistent exploration and pursuit of good life over thousands of years, conforming to the theme of this launch activity - “Strive for more”. As a major country along the north section of the Belt and Road, Russia is expected to become the largest automobile market of GAC Motor in Europe. Undoubtedly, the entry into the Russian market is of vital strategic significance for GAC Motor to make overall arrangements for Eastern European market and even bolster its going global progress.

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